PA Entry-Level: Interview Process

The Stony Brook PA Program conducts interviews on multiple dates starting in August and ending in November. To accommodate enrollment at both of our campus locations, we are planning to interview approximately 200 candidates on a rolling basis for 44 seats at our Health Science Center location and 25 seats at the Southampton campus. Each candidate who is invited for an interview has one thirty-minute interview, with three members of the admissions committee.

In order to ensure that all interviewees are oriented to the program, each candidate attends a group presentation that precedes his/her interview. This presentation addresses expectations, opportunities, and program quality indicators and provides an opportunity for interviewees to ask questions. All candidates will be invited via Zoom to a question and answer session with first-year students.

After each day's interviews have been completed, the program Admissions Committee meets to decide on recommendations of candidates to be offered seats in the program and candidates who will not be offered a seat for the coming year. Seats are offered after each interview date on a rolling basis. All remaining interviewees are placed on a rank-ordered alternate list which is created on the final interview day.

Please carefully review the other admissions-related pages on this website or contact the program for more information.